Živeti in delati na Erjavčevi koči

Želite živeti in delati v Erjavečevi koči?

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Živeti in delati na Erjavčevi koči

Živeti in delati na Erjavčevi koči

Have you ever dreamed of living in the National park and working there?
Now there is a chance!

Live and work at Erjavčeva’s hut

Working in a mountain hut can appeal to those who love the outdoors, enjoy interacting with people, and appreciate the unique lifestyle of living and working in a remote, natural environment. Here are some reasons why people choose to work in mountain huts:

Love for Nature: Many people who work in the mountains sincerely appreciate nature and enjoy spending time in the mountains. Working in a mountain hut allows them to be surrounded by stunning landscapes, clean air, and the tranquillity of the wilderness.

Outdoor Lifestyle: For individuals who thrive in outdoor environments, working in a mountain hut offers the opportunity to spend significant time outside. Whether hiking, climbing, skiing, or simply enjoying the scenery, the outdoor lifestyle is a significant draw for many hut workers.

Connection to the Community: Mountain huts often serve as gathering places for hikers, climbers, and outdoor enthusiasts worldwide. Working in a hut provides the opportunity to meet people from diverse backgrounds and build connections within the outdoor community.

Hospitality and Service: Many hut workers enjoy providing hospitality and service to guests who visit the mountain hut. Whether preparing meals, offering advice on hiking trails, or providing a warm and welcoming atmosphere, working in a hut allows individuals to serve others in a unique setting.

Escape from Urban Life: For some, working in a mountain hut offers a temporary escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. It provides a chance to disconnect from technology, slow down the pace of life, and embrace a more straightforward way of living.

Opportunities for Adventure: Working in the mountains often comes with opportunities for adventure and exploration. Hut workers may have the chance to explore nearby trails and summit peaks or participate in outdoor activities during their free time.

Sense of Purpose: Many people find fulfilment and purpose in working in a mountain hut. Hut workers are essential in supporting the mountain community, whether preserving the natural environment, promoting outdoor recreation, or providing a haven for weary travellers.

Overall, working in a mountain hut can be a rewarding experience for those passionate about the outdoors, enjoy serving others, and appreciate the unique lifestyle of living and working in a remote mountain environment.

Live and work at Erjavčeva’s hut

Živeti in delati na Erjavčevi koči

Iščemo nov kader za delo v Erjavčevi planinski koči. Vsakodnevno delo in pomoč naši ekipi, brezplačno bivanje in hrana, ter dobro, redno plačilo. To je odličen kraj za začetek vsakodnevnih izletov, ko imate prosti čas.
Lahko se odločite, ali boste pri nas bivali vse leto ali le v sezoni od maja do oktobra. Izbira je vaša.
Če želite več informacij o delu v planinski koči, nas kontaktirajte brez odlašanja. Pišite nam na info@erjavcevakoca.si. Prosimo, pošljite nam svoj življenjepis in kratko pismo, v katerem nam pojasnite, zakaj bi naj izbrali ravno vas.
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Nastanitev v planinski koči

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Izleti in pohodi na zemljevidu

Izleti in pohodi na zemljevidu

Slovenia (en) Placeholder
Slovenia (en)

Vaša naslednja destinacija v Sloveniji?

Erjavceva mountain hut at Vrsic pass in summer

Erjavčeva planinska koča je odprta vse leto. Rezervirajte svoje bivanje in preživite nekaj časa v naravnem raju Triglavskega narodnega parka (UNESCO) v bližini Kranjske Gore na prelazu Vršič v osrčju Triglavskega narodnega parka.

Rezervirajte svoje bivanje
https://www.erjavcevakoca.si/ Slovenščina https://www.erjavcevakoca.co.uk/ English https://www.erjavcevakoca.com/ English https://www.erjavcevakoca.ba/ Bosanski https://www.erjavcevakoca.be/ Dutch https://www.erjavcevakoca.hr/ Hrvatski https://www.erjavcevakoca.cz/ Čeština https://www.erjavcevakoca.dk/ Dansk https://www.erjavcevakoca.nl/ Dutch https://www.erjavcevakoca.fi/ Suomi https://www.erjavcevakoca.fr/ Français https://www.erjavcevakoca.de/ Deutsch https://www.erjavcevakoca.hu/ Magyar https://www.erjavcevakoca.it/ Italiano https://www.erjavcevakoca.pl/ Polski https://www.erjavcevakoca.rs/ sрпски https://www.erjavcevakoca.sk/ Slovenčina https://www.erjavcevakoca.es/ Español https://www.erjavcevakoca.se/ Svenska https://www.erjavcevakoca.ch/ Deutsch

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